Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day

It came early. At least it did for me. I got these gorgeous flowers at work today. After walking them across the building from the security desk, I must say I'm the envy of all my co-workers. And I should be because I have the most fantastic boyfriend ever. I called to thank him, and he said, "And they're even pink!" Well, that's not true. Apparently there was a communication problem with the flower shop. That's OK with me. I think they're perfect!

It's amazing how flowers can just really make you smile. I know they die and some people say they're not a big deal, but I personally think flowers can cheer up anyone. Or any girl, that is.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! See my post from today! Mine came early as well. Aren't we lucky!?