Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday Thoughts.

Two things.

1. I want all these things for my Vegas trip. Yes, I'm only going for three nights/four days. And all these are night outfits. But I want them all. No, I won't be buying any of them. But perhaps I can find something in my closet(s) that is similar. Except for the feather shoes. Can't say I own anything similar to that.

2. I did Body Step for the first time last night. I've been going to a gym since high school, but I've never tried this class. I seriously thought I was going to pass out. I was the girl in the back of the class that is struggling to keep up. That was me. And one of my friends was teaching the class. But I loved it, and I felt like I was getting a serious workout. Note to self: Eat something before Body Step. Tonight, it's Body Pump.


Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

You should check out Lulus for some inexpensive but purdy dresses!

Anonymous said...

The white one-strapper is gorgeous!

Allison said...

I love Lulus! Well...I say that, but I've never actually ordered anything from the site. But I find myself looking at least once a week. That's a good idea.

And Kels--I agree. The white one-strapper is my favorite! It's similar to the other dress I posted about that I wanted for Vegas. I'm thinking I need a dress like that.