Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Salads and necklaces.

Do you ever get bored of your lunch? I used to eat a Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, Smart Ones, etc. for lunch every day.

Now I eat a salad. Every day. And I find myself really only putting one thing on top because I run out of time. Spinach leaves: check. Broccoli, carrot, cauliflower mix: check. And then I top with spray dressing to cut calories. I see people buying delicious food in the cafeteria...and I'm not going to lie: I'm jealous. Sometimes I don't even want to eat my lunch. Or it will take me an hour to finish.

Today, however, after an hour of yoga and pilates, I'm looking forward to my salad.

P.S. I saw this necklace in People Style, and I love it. You can get the gem put on any date, obviously. I think everyone needs one. And it comes in silver, gold, etc.

Happy Wednesday!

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