Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, Monday

Another weekend has come and gone. Such a tragedy.

My weekend was incredibly uneventful. Busy, but uneventful. Sadly, I did not take a single photo from this weekend.

Friday: Adam and I met Sarah, Brandon and Colleen at Wasabi for some dinner on the patio to enjoy the lovely weather. After dinner, we went out for a drink and called it an early night.

Saturday: We had breakfast/lunch at Waffle House. Yes, Waffle House. I had my first bite of a Waffle House waffle. It was tasty. We thought about going to the lake, but we decided it was too cold. Yes, it was too cold in Arkansas in August. Weird. Adam played some golf, I did some cleaning, and we went to a friend's, friend's "housewarming" party.

Sunday: We looked at houses all day. Seriously. All day. I love, love looking at houses. We weren't feeling up to doing something very active, but we wanted to enjoy the cool August weather. After brunch at the country club and some coffee and the newspaper from Barnes and Noble, we were ready to go.

On a sad note, a friend who is dear to Adam's family had a heart attack and passed away this weekend. I had met him a few times, and he always e-mailed Adam the latest joke about the government or something random. If you pray, please keep his family in your prayers. Any time someone dies completely unexpectedly, it makes me take a step back and think about (as cliche as this sounds) how you really do need to live each to day to its fullest. No, I don't think you can live every day like it's your last. That would never work. But I do think you can really live each day. It takes work. It's hard not to want what you can't have. I know I often wish my life away. It's easy to forget how short and how fragile our lives are.

*Since summer is almost over, I thought I should post a photo from one of my favorite nights this summer--watching the Ben Miller Band play.

Monday Memory: Let's go with a short-term memory today. Yesterday, after looking at houses, I realized just how ready I am to live in one. Sure, apartment living is fine and cheap and there is not a lot of responsibility. But sometimes I think responsibility is a good thing. It's what changes you. So, my Monday Memory is that feeling you get when you're nervous, excited and a little scared about your future, but you are a little bit closer to realizing what you want. And I want a house!

P.S. Today is Richard Gere's 60th birthday. I love him in Unfaithful and Chicago and Autumn in New York and Runaway Bride...I basically just love Richard Gere.

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