Tuesday, April 20, 2010

AP Style Update: website

For all you communication people out there, AP finally changed its style on website. It became effective April 16.

A new entry on website has been added to the AP Stylebook Online and will be included in the updated text version, the 2010 AP Stylebook, which will be published next month.

The entry says:

website: A location on the World Wide Web that maintains one or more pages at a specific address. Also, webcam, webcast and webmaster. But as a short form and in terms with separate words, the Web, Web page and Web feed.

It's about time! I was tired of explaining to all the techy people why I still used Web site.


In other news, it's my grandfather's birthday! Happy birthday, Papaw. He is the best grandfather anyone could hope for. He's definitely a role model for me. Throughout my life, I've always wanted to be like him. I hope I can accomplish all he's done throughout out his life. Although, I'm not sure I can ever live up to Dr. John F. Walker! I sure will try, though! I can't wait to see them in a few weeks for my sister's college graduation. And I can't wait for Memorial Day when we all go to the lake house.

He's the best!

P.S. This is the only picture I had with me that had the two of us in it. So ignore me!

1 comment:

Ragan Hensley said...

I am so stoked about the AP change! It makes way more sense. However, it means we're nerds for caring. I'm fine with that.

Also, please tell Dr. Walker that Steven and I wish him the happiest of birthdays.

P.S. - can you send me his address?